
ACCIA Privacy Notice

Reasons and purposes for processing information

We need to handle personal information about you so that we can provide better services. High standards in handling personal information are very important to us because they help us to maintain the confidence of everyone who deals with us.

When we handle your information, we undertake to:
  • make sure you know why we need it
  • only ask for what we need: we won’t collect too much or irrelevant information
  • protect your information and ensure no-one has access to it who shouldn’t
  • let you know if we are going to share it with other organisations
  • make sure we don’t keep your information for longer than necessary
  • enable you to have inaccuracies corrected.

We will also:
  • value the personal information entrusted to us and make sure that we abide by the law when we handle it
  • ensure we consider security at the outset of any new project where we are planning to hold or use personal information in new ways, and continue to review existing systems to ensure they comply with new laws
  • train our staff in how to handle personal information, maintain proper oversight of our information assets and respond appropriately if information is not used or protected properly
  • let you know beforehand if we want to use your data for a different purpose.
Lawful basis for processing your personal data

Paragraph 7, Chapter 2 of the Data Protection Act 2018 provides that, as a Government Department, the Department of Health and Social Care (which hosts and sponsors ACCIA) may process personal data as necessary for the effective performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the data controller.

Should this provision not apply, we will always identify the lawful basis on which your personal information is processed as defined by Article 6 of the General Data Protection Regulation.

Data sharing

ACCIA is embedded within the Department of Health and Social Care and, as such, information you share with ACCIA is already disclosed to relevant individuals (requiring access to the information) within the Department of Health and Social Care. As ACCIA is also responsible for national Clinical Excellence Awards in Wales, the Welsh Government also has access to the data we hold.

We will not share your data with any third party except as set out below:

  • If we suspect malpractice or fraudulent activity, we have a duty to disclose associated information to the relevant authorities
  • When you submit your application form to your employer, it is shared with the organisation you designate
  • When you complete your employer assessment of an application, the applicant will have access to it
  • When you submit your application form to ACCIA, it is shared with members of the relevant scoring sub-committee and, in rare instances, may be shared with our Main Committee
  • We share award details and payment values with NHS organisations, the Welsh Government and Arm’s Length Bodies in order to ensure consultants receive the correct awards payments
  • If there is a technical problem with your account or application, it may be necessary for our authorised contractors to access (but not store) your information.
Data publication

ACCIA routinely publishes the following information:
  • The name and title, GMC/GDC registration number, NHS (or arm’s length body) contracting organisation, award level, award date and specialty of all consultants who hold a national Clinical Excellence Award
  • The name and position or professional specialty of our scorers
  • The personal statement of all the applicants who are granted new awards (unless we agree grounds for opt-out)
  • Aggregated, non-identifiable statistical information on applicants and award holders (including for diversity monitoring purposes)
  • Aggregated, non-identifiable statistical information on scoring sub-committee members (including for diversity monitoring purposes).
The data we collect and what we use it for

Contact details
We use the details you provide to correspond with you.

Diversity data
To enable us to ensure the fairness of our application and scoring process and fulfil our obligations under the Equality Act 2010, we monitor the diversity of applicants, award holders and members of our scoring sub-committees.

Application forms
Submitted applications (which include the employer’s contribution) are scored to determine whether an applicant will receive an award.

The scores entered for each application are used to determine whether an applicant will receive an award.

Correspondence history
We keep copies of all key correspondence in order to answer customer enquiries and follow-up correspondence.

Employment and award information
We keep a record of award holders’ employment details (including membership of a pension scheme) and award status in order to calculate each consultant’s due payment, notify his or her employer of the amount due and reimburse those costs.

Disciplinary and enforcement action
If an applicant or award holder becomes subject to disciplinary action or is under investigation for professional misconduct, ACCIA will follow the progress of the action. If found culpable, ACCIA may use the information provided to decide whether to withdraw an application or suspend or cancel an award.

Data retention

Outside of specific exemptions under legislation, your personal data shall be retained for no longer than the purposes for which it is being processed.

Our records are based in, and drawn from, user accounts on our online system:
  • If you are a consultant and create an account, but do not apply, we will keep your account active for five years after your last login.
  • Accounts for unsuccessful applicants will be maintained for seven years after the latest application
  • Accounts of current and previous award holders (including application forms), nominating bodies, employers and scoring sub-committee members will be maintained indefinitely for the public record.
Notwithstanding the above, all users have the rights listed in the below section.

Your rights

The data we are collecting is your personal information and you have considerable say over what happens to it. As such, you have the right:
  • To see what data we hold about you (this is known as a ‘Right of Access Request’)
  • To ask us to stop using your data, but keep it on record
  • To have some or all of your data deleted, although you should please note that we need to retain certain data in order to maintain a public record
  • To have some of your data corrected
  • To lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) if you think we are not handling your data fairly or in accordance with the law.
Right of Access Requests and contacting the Data Protection Officer

The Department of Health and Social Care is the data controller for the Advisory Committee on Clinical Impact Awards.

Data Protection legislation allows you to find out the personal information we hold about you on computer and IT records. To make a Right of Access Request, please write to the Data Protection Officer. We do not charge a fee for this service and will respond within one calendar month. In the event we are unable to meet this timescale (for example, if there is a large volume of information to assess), we will keep you informed of progress.

You can contact the Data Protection Officer at:          

Data Protection Officer
Department of Health and Social Care
1st Floor North
39 Victoria Street

Contacting the Information Commissioner’s Office

For independent advice about data protection, privacy and data sharing issues you can contact the independent Information Commissioner’s Office at:

Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane